
Resurface of Path

A corporate company once again sponsored the repaving of the path in the gully, about 80% of the path is new.

Refurbished Pond

Mrs. Joy Branker sponsored the refurbishment of the pond and new plants.

Native Plant Project

Through the US Embassy, they funded the native plant project. This project is researched based on collecting native plants cuttings, propogation, air layering and seedlings. This project is very labour intensive and trail by error. The over all aim is to reintroduce native plants back into Welchman Hall Gully for conservation and education.

Adopt a School Programme

Through the Ministry of Environment, two primary schools have been adopted: Sharon Primary and Holy Innocent’s Primary school.

Once per term, they are met with the facilitator at the school and once at Welchman Hall Gully.

Topics covered per term:

Term one: Introduction to the world of plants

Term Two: What are insects and where do they live.

Term Three: Explore the wonderful world of pond creatures.

